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Home Milano 2025 23-26 gennaio Pav 3P - Stand V27

The 3 Graces

3 Lamps to play with light

Lookingup the names of our products is always a fun journey. First the needs to besatisfied arrive, then the products and finally the names. And when we get tothe names it is typically evening, the day is over and some of us throw the bomb… and go!

Let's start with Lucia as light ... so why doesn't Mario say someone ... and so Sofia...

Alessia disagrees, Fabio laughs out loud ... Emanuela comments "Mario is lucky ...between 2 women" ... let's proceed like this until we understand: Light is a woman! And it all comes back ...

You were thinking of the 3 graces of Greek mythology …. You’re wrong! :-)

3 colored lamps, different from each other in function,but synergistic. The color is full and completely covering: in this way it ispossible to direct the light and give depth to colors of your room.

MARIA: makes a scattered and harmonious light. Used as a pendant lamp, it sheds lightup wards, giving brightness to the room, with maximum comfort.

Lampada Maria

LUCIA: a real spotlight that lightsup in a directional way. Used as a pendant, it concentrates the light under itto enhance a specific point in the room: a table? A desk? A plant?

SOFIA: it sheds 360 degrees of light but the painted partallows you to avoid glare. Used as a table lamp it protects thegaze: the studied inclination allows to avoid glare.

Lampada Sofia


Each of the 3 Graces meets different lighting needs, but when used togetherthey become wonderful because the light becomes dynamic within the samesuspension. 

Like all the light bulbs in the Filotto assortment, they areenergy-saving LEDs, processed in Italy with 6 layers of paint: the first whiteto increase the light reflection capacity, the second black to give maximumcoverage (not even a dot must pass of light!) and then the color ...

Theyare registered models: no one try to imitate them!